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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Syarat menjadi admin @MORGANOUSMEDANN

Bagi kalian yang mau jadi admin fanbase ini, ada beberapa kriteria dan rules yang harus kalian penuhi.


・Seorang fans dari Morgan (baik SMASHBLAST maupun MORGANOUS) yang RAMAH, mampu
bersosialisasi dengan followers dengan baik, dan JUJUR
・Mengetahui seluk beluk SMASH/Morgan dengan baik.
・Tidak sedang sibuk (jika sedang dalam masa UN, setidaknya tidak terepotkan untuk online.

 Tidak boleh kelas 6,9, maupun 12
・HARUS bisa berbahasa Inggris.
・Kita ngga akan ngebatas berapa kali kamu harus online setiap minggunya, tapi usahakan bisa online sekali dalam 2 hari, jika kamu ngga bisa online dalam waktu satu minggu, tolong informasikan pada @natassyaleo
・Jika dalam satu minggu kamu tidak online tanpa pemberitahuan, mohon maaf, kita akan ganti passwordnya, dan terpaksa kamu harus berhenti jadi admin ):
・Mencantumkan credit ATAU via pada setiap post (news, info, pic) yang diambil/copy dari source/fanbase/forum lain
・Kamu bebas mau main apapun dengan followers kamu (imagine, picspam, tellme, facts, pickone, whatif dll)
・JANGAN PERNAH MENGGANTI PASSWORD/USERNAME tanpa seizin dari owner fanbase ini.          kalau ingin mengganti background/avatar, please inform saya dulu.
・Bisa online sekitar pukul 10.00-17.00 (kalau ngga bisa juga ngga apa-apa)
・Harus follow @MORGANOUSMEDANN dan owner fanbase ini dulu tentunya (:

Nah, jika kamu deal/mampu memenuhi
rules yang kita berikan, dan tertarik untuk jadi admin, kirim email ke saya dengan cara:
1) Nama
2) Umur

3) No telp / Pin BB
4) Daerah (Tempat tinggal)
5) Twitter ID
6) Punya pengalaman jadi admin? Kalau ya, sebutkan nama fanbasenya.
7) Kenapa kamu ingin jadi admin?
8) Beri alasan kenapa kita harus menjadikan kamu admin?
9) Apa hal terbaik yang bisa kamu lakukan saat online? (ex; info? imagine? Facts? Games?)
10) Sudahkah kamu membaca rules di atas?

Kirim data-data tsb ke e-mail;
Ada yang kurang jelas atau ingin ditanyakan?
Mention this fanbase owner ya: @natassyaleo
Ditunggu ya (:

Monday, March 26, 2012


Hei SMASHBLAST! Welcome Here! :D

This is @MORGANOUSMEDANN's official blog

Addicted to one of SMASH's member. yeah MORGAN OEY

follow and join us. you'll know everything about SMASH :)

Admin: @natassyaleo

Nice to know you all guys, hugs xo <3

Monday, March 19, 2012

8 Questions for MORGAN OEY

check this out MORGANOUS! 

Who are you before SMASH happens?
Just a regular campus student. Until a model agency scouted me on Facebook 2 years ago. Worked as a model for photoshoot and talent. And then met Star Signal-the founder of SMASH. This was like a dream came true. Never thought that I’d be working in this industry.
Your Chinese name must be Oey-something-something. Ever thought of using it rather than “Morgan”?
Nope. It is a tradition to have chinese name. My ex agency asked me what’s my family name when I met them in the first place. And then they told me to use the ‘Oey’ instead of ‘Winata’. My name is Handi Morgan Winata, FYI.
Are you a product?
I’d say I am a brand. Its more than just a name, identity or image. This is my dream.
What kind of fans that annoy you most?
Some stalk. Thankfully, most of them are nice to me. They’re so cute. I love them.
On Twitter you follow fellow artists and performers – and most of them are your seniors. Does it get into your nerve when they can’t stop abusing the Retweet feature? How do you handle that, being a junior?
I find it quite interesting to read their tweets. I also get so many news and information. Some of them stalk. I’m fine with it. Don’t be reckless, it’s just a social media.
People wanna get into your pants. What’s your bestEE trick to say no?
Just say ‘NO’!
And those older ladies who flirt with you – are they for real? What do you say to them?
Some are real. Yeah just follow their game and then they have to follow mine ;)
Some call you “gay boy”. Will you call them “haters”?
Nope. People can say and judge everything. That’s easy now.
BYE, xoxo